Payment and shipping

Dear customer,

You order directly from me - Martina Hoffmann. I personally pack and ship your orders.
Ich bemühe mich,  alles so schnell wie möglich zu bearbeiten. Aktuell versende ich 4 mal pro Woche. Deine Ware sollte also – anhängig von der Postlaufzeit – sehr schnell bei dir sein. Solltest du mal etwas ganz dringend oder zu einem bestimmten Termin benötigen, schreib mir bitte – idealerweise vorab – eine Email. Dann finden wir einen Weg, wie du schnellstmöglich deine Bestellung erhalten kann.

The following conditions apply:


Shipping terms


Domestic shipping (Germany)and shipping to all other countries worldwide, except Andorra, Bulgarien, Frankreich, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, San Marino, Schweden, Slowakei, Spanien, Vatikanstadt,

Für Bestellungen nach Großbritannien nutzt bitte meinen Etsyshop:



Shipping Costs

including VAT


Lieferungen im Inland (Deutschland):
kleine Papeterie (A4-Kalender, Karten, Drucke bis A4): 3,00 Euro
große Papeterie (Poster in A3 und A2, Familienplaner) und Keramik: 6,90 Euro.
Wenn du Keramik und Papeterie zusammen bestellst, zahlst du eine Pauschale von 6,90 Euro.

Versandkostenfrei ab 150 Euro Bestellwert.


Shipping to: Belgien, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Irland, Italien, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Malta, Niederlande, Österreich, Portugal, Slowenien, Tschechien, Ungarn, Zypern:
10,00 € for small items (Postcards, small prints, A4 calendar)
18,00 € for large items ( Planner for families, posters, ceramics)


Shipping to Schweiz und Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegovina, Färöer, Grönland, Island, Nordmazedonien, Montenegro, Norwegen, Serbien, Ukraine, Weißrussland:
12,00 € for small items (Postcards, small prints, A4 calendar)
24,00 € for large items ( Planner for families, posters, ceramics)


Shipping to Algeria, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey:
14,00 € for small items (Postcards, small prints, A4 calendar)
36,00 € for large items ( Planner for families, posters, ceramics)


Shipping to Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Qatar, Yemen, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanman, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, East Timor, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Turkmenistan, USA, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam:
17,00 € for small items (Postcards, small prints, A4 calendar)
48,00 € for large items ( Planner for families, posters, ceramics)


Shipping to all other countries
17,00 € for small items (Postcards, small prints, A4 calendar)
65,00 € for large items ( Planner for families, posters, ceramics)



Delivery periods

Insofar as no other period is specified in the respective offer, the delivery of the goods shall take place within 5 - 7 days in Germany (Germany), in the case of deliveries abroad within 7 - 14 days after conclusion of the contract (in the case of agreed advance payment, after the time of your payment instruction).

Please note that there is no delivery on Sundays and public holidays.

If you have ordered items with different delivery times, we will send the goods in one shipment, unless we have made different arrangements with you. In this case, the delivery time is determined by the item with the longest delivery time that you have ordered.


Terms of payment

Domestic deliveries (Germany):

For domestic deliveries (Germany) you have the following payment options:
–  Prepayment by bank transfer
  Payment via PayPal
- Payment by credit card (service provider Stripe)

Deliveries to other countries:

For deliveries abroad you have the following payment options:
–  Prepayment by bank transfer
  Payment via PayPal
- Payment by credit card (service provider Stripe)


If you have any further questions, you can find my contact details in the imprint.
